Category Archives: stop

Stop, Breathe, Proceed


Yes you, the one who charges madly from one task to the next. Barely taking time to breathe and take in all that is around you. Zipping by people and situations, ie. life opportunities. Breathe woman! Remember, this is a long, wonderful journey we’re on. We’re supposed to enjoy it today, right now, in the present.


I’ve managed to slow down and enjoy the present more often by learning to use my breath as a valuable resource (other than just a life sustaining one!). So now I breathe more. Ok, not really more, but I breathe better. I use my breath to slow down, to energize, to calm myself, and to create the space I need to make right decisions.

When we’re stressed we typically breathe too rapidly. Stop for just a minute and focus on your breathing. Notice the inhale, then the slight pause, followed by the natural exhale, and then another slight pause. Count as you inhale and exhale. If the number is 4 try and extend the time of the breath to 6. Simple concept, just slow the rate of your breath. Do this for just 2 – 3 minutes, really, it won’t hurt.

Proceed…and live a vibrant life.